Pengaruh Konten Promosi, Pemasaran Digital, dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Shopee terhadap Minat Beli
DOI: Kunci:
Purchase Intention, Marketplace, Ease of Use, Digital Marketing, Promotional ContentAbstrak
This study aims to analyze the effect of promotional content, digital marketing, and ease of use of the Shopee marketplace platform on purchase intention, with a case study of students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Sumbawa University of Technology. The method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach, which facilitates the analysis of complex relationships between variables. The sampling technique applied was Paul Leedy, with a sample size of 100 respondents taken from students who actively use Shopee. The results of the analysis show that all independent variables, namely promotional content, digital marketing, and ease of use of the platform, have a positive and significant influence on purchase intention. Interesting and relevant promotional content is able to increase consumer interest, while an effective digital marketing strategy strengthens the attractiveness of products in the eyes of consumers. In addition, the ease of use of the Shopee marketplace platform plays an important role in facilitating the buying process, thus further encouraging students' buying interest. This research contributes to the development of marketing strategies in the digital era, as well as providing insights for business people in increasing competitiveness in the online market. Thus, it is important for Shopee to continue to improve the quality of promotional content and the ease of use of the platform to attract more consumers.
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